Friday, January 21, 2011


back from christmases with our families, new years with friends and into the blurred lights of dublin. as i type we are gathered getting ready for a night out. tonights outfits consist of crazy print trousers, suspenders, glitter and bright lipstick. and of course; what's a night with-out jelly shots?
and body shots 'course.
i hope you're all having as good a night whatever you're doing. wrap up warm if you're going out. goose-pimples are not sexy. and if you're lucky enough to live in a southern-hemisphered country, well then whip out the shorts and party on the beach.

t&k's rules of going out
1. neon paint suits any occasion
2. fuck accesorize, GLITTERIZE
3. hobo-chic is the new black
4. down that cheap-ass beer
5. dance dance dance till you're dead

au revoir, raya,bene,aoife

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Je ne regrette rien

It's 2011, and my year is already looking up. I have one of those good feelings and a new attitude. Trouble had already started mere moments after the New Years countdown, but it was one of those experiences you just have to take and use it to move on and learn. I feel like 2011 is not only a new year but a new chapter in my life, and i have finished an old one and burned the book.
 Sorry to be cryptic, but i don't want to burden anyone with the intricacies of my life, i save that for poor Benny and Raya! Haha. 
I hope you all start 2011 with a bigger and better view on life, an unstoppable attitude and no regrets.
Heavy hearts are so 2010.