Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Stone fox

It's almost Christmas and right now i'm concentrating all my energy on being jolly and keeping warm. It's quite a task. Boarding school kicked us all out into the snow and Benny's flight got cancelled, i'm sure Dublin Airport do a lovely Christmas dinner...i'm joking, i'm praying to Buddah that Benny gets a flight home as soon as possible to have a lovely German Christmas, Lederhosen and all.
It's snowing so hard here, i hope it's snowing wherever you are! But this means i have no access to shops so it looks like you're getting hand-made Christmas cards from me, guys! Haha, but seriously i haven't bought anything for my family yet...Oh well. They buy me an artificial tree, this is what they get.

During the cold weather i've been busying myself with doing precisely fuck all!
Nah, really i have watched a few excellent films,
The Eternal Sunshine of the spotless Mind, The Virgin Suicides and Requiem For a Dream.
Now i know none of them are exactly Christmassy but hey, i wasn't feeling too festive, ok?

I also saw Ballet Shoes starring Emma Watson...it's quite sweet and uplifting, and anything with Emma automatically grabs my attention, but i have to say the ending leaves a lot to be desired. Still, it's got some beautiful images and of course the beautiful Ms Watson.

Oh, isn't she just the loveliest thing? I admire her so much.

Peace and love

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