So christmas is nearing us and the family fights are getting worse and the shopping centres are getting more crowded and you're on the verge of hooking up with that guy who last time you saw, you insisted was an absolute creeper. Ahh keeping that ever-important holiday spirit alive. To deal with the following, I (as an expert in these matters) recommend you a) turn up your local christmas radio station as loud as possible to block out the fights, it also helps to sing too. B) go retro. Stay away from primark and river island and buy everyone a hidden treasure from oxfam (helps poor people too!) C) aovid those festive drinks at all costs, or just fuck it and fuck him. Use a condom though, those christmas love-babies are never pretty.
In other news:
My family have decided to have a vegitarian christmas, beans and rice galore. I think my mum has had one too many brandys in front of the fire..
I've been completely smitten with my family's tv and am amazed with all the channels available, therefore havnt read anything other than the occaisional article called something like "ten best ways to have an orgasm for the over 40s" in magazines my aunt leaves lying around. Disturbing.
Have gobbled numerous christmas chocolates/muffins/fairy cakes/biscuits. I can feel my arteries clogging. Well vif they're presents i can really turn them down now can i?
Hope your holidays arent as frazzeling as mine!
Love always, raya
P.s: i think ive gone insane. I was talking to my sisters toy unicorn today.
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