Saturday, October 9, 2010

We're young and in love, heart attacks waiting to happen

This is us at a party last weekend (the blonde third from the left is our friend Daisy). I look...i don't even know, but oh well. It was such a fun weekend, that night we went to Oktoberfest:

Me busting some moves. 
Huge glasses of beer were a tenner but if you brought the glass back you got a fiver back, so we may or may not have stolen a few peoples' glasses and cashed them in...Raya turned out to be a bit of a pro at stealing peoples' beer aswell. At one point Benny took this woman's glass and when the woman realised she started freaking out so Raya and i just kind of ran away. It was an amazing atmosphere, there was a German band and everyone was dancing and shouting and just seemed to be having a great time. I wish every day was Oktoberfest!

They had this amaaazing Haribo stand but it was so expensive, Raya's bag came up to like 9 euro so she just left it there

Lack of Haribo sadness. 

Such a great weekend, but I swear I haven't had a proper sleep since :P I'm so tired tonight so I think it's the past week catching up with me.

I love that one (':

Aaaaand finally, us with Samira. 
I'm at home but i left my laptop along with my camera cable in school, so i promise we will post more interesting stuff during the week! 
Aoife ♥

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