Saturday, December 18, 2010


I found out the meaning of the word 'quixotic' this was nice. I drank ginger tea, this was also nice. But the best was kitchen-dancing to Asleep by The Smiths with someone special, and having a meaningful conversation and just feeling like maybe the world can be beautiful. I havn't felt like this in a long time; but i think that maybe i can be properly happy. I hope so anyway, otherwise im fucked! i made a list of things i like about life, so i could remember the important things that keep me going. I wrote down things like: people that dont give up on me, people i love, people that love me, old friends, loud music, slow songs, big smiles, glitter and feathers!
Did some christmas present shopping on and good old ebay. Ahhh what a lifesaver. Hope the cold hasnt been getting to you too much, im sitting here practically on top of the radiator with a marathon of 'teen mom' on tv. I love classy telly. And if i ever get pregnant im going to bake my mum a biscuit and ice "im preg" on it. Then i'll call my baby Luna if its a girl or Sundance if its a boy and live in a rainbow van and make jewellery and grow weed and tea.
To top the day off i wrote a letter to a newspaper expressing my frustration with the Fairy Liquid adverts on tv and how they only show women doing the washing up. Sexist fuckers.

Five good things about today
1. Quixotic
2. Being on happy-high from yesterday
3. Thinking of some good present ideas
4. Aquired two boarding school essentials: noodles and deoderant
5. Happy friends


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