Sunday, October 24, 2010

Don't know why you say goodbye I say hello

So, a proper post as promised! 
I spent the last two nights at Samira's, we just chilled and ate pizza and saw a friend, it was nice just to relax in good company. Then on Saturday we went into town (Dublin city centre) to see some friends that i have not seen for far, far too long. Then we unexpectedly ran into some of our other friends who were handing out flyers for their band's upcoming gig, they're called Out Of Nowhere and you can check them out here, some seriously talented dudes! So anyway, Samira and I went along with them to help hand out flyers and hang out. It was great fun and we had been looking for something to do that night since i hadn't gone out in aaaaages and was pretty starved party-wise, so Raf told us to come along to this house party that was on later. 
 So eventually Samira and I get there but as it happened we all got kicked out within about 20 minutes of us getting there, so we all wandered around just having a laugh and ended up finishing our drink in the trees in a nearby estate, the classy way. Hahaha. 
 It was great fun altogether though, when you're with great people who cares if you're in a house or a bush? I haven't been feeling the best lately so i thought maybe going out wasn't such a good idea but I ended up having a really great time and hanging out with awesome people. 
 Then in true night out style we finished off with a trip to Tesco to buy some Rainbow Drops, Skittles, 7up and popcorn which we had for breakfast, of course. 

Sorry there is no pictures to go with this post as of yet, they were all taken on Samira's camera and she forgot to bring her camera lead to my house, where we're staying now. I'll get some up soon though.

Peace and looooooove, 
Aoife ♥

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