Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Today was Wednesday, and every Wednesday our school has a half day. So, as much as Raya and i would have loved to stay in the boarding house drinking tea, we had to conquer the vast outdoors and trek through the biting wind to our local shopping centre to stock up on Winter essentials! 
Due to insufficient funds and lack of Mummy and Daddy's money to scruple, we ended up being very economical indeed and going to Primark. 
Surprisingly, their Winter range actually has some really good pieces to keep you warm and toasty when a big cup of tea might not be at your disposal.

I am just mad about these Ushanka hat look-alikes. Sadly, i don't think i can pull them off as they make my head look like a cantelope.
I really like the print on the jumper and the over-the-knee socks are fab.

Sheepskin and leather jackets are just an essential this season if you ask me, i'd really love one myself (hint hint Raya and Benny) and the Primark one is really nice.
They also have a lovely selection of scarves, hats gloves and more but unfortunately i couldn't find any pictures. 

The men's section also has nice hats, geometrical print headbands and the amazing Sherpa Shirt which Raya bought - it looks like a shirt but it's lined with fleece! So cozy!

I love that cardigan and i am a strong advocate of shopping in the men's section!

I've already got my eye on what i'd like for Christmas - a leopard print faux-fur coat like this one from Topshop would do me just fine thanks.

So if any of you are feeling generous or anything... 
Haha, much love, Aoife ♥

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